There have been a lot of changes in my life in the last two weeks and it has caused my blog to suffer a bit of neglect while I settled into what has become my new life. Everything that has happened in the last two weeks is a new path to follow to hopefully better my life.
On May 21st, I posted about Luna’s birthday. Well, that’s not the end of the story. That day, my then fiancé and I shared our wedding vows together at the local court house surrounded by friends, family and Luna. She truly was the reason we struggled to make it because neither of us could imagine life without her or one another. It was a truly beautiful moment and one that was nine years in the making. The love of two people and one little pit bull is a beautiful thing.
We opted to do our reception at a later date (July 2012, tentatively) and instead did a simple dinner after the ceremony to commemorate that particular moment in time. We enjoyed a quiet meeting of the families at the Outback Steakhouse that was literally right next door. My dad walked the hoard of nieces and nephews over since they were entirely too full of themselves to load up in the car for a short jaunt because they were having entirely too much fun running amok on the lawn of the court house.
The next big thing to happen is the place where my husband and I work was sold to a different company. We are there through the duration of the transition (120 days) and possibly up to a total of a year through a subsidiary company that will take over our paycheck payments. It’s a whole different ball game from what we are used to but it’s going to enable both of us to work a crap load of overtime and bank every available penny possible as we hunt for our dream property to start our family with ten and eleven hour shifts and up to six days a week. It’s brutal on me – my knees and hips ache regularly after a day there – but its income until I can get my boarding/training facility dream a reality. It’s a scary prospect, but at the same time I can’t be too picky about the fact that I am employed when there are many that aren’t.
Other than that, nothing else has been tremendously life altering. We had our ADBA Fun Show on June 2nd and it went off without a hitch. It seemed like everyone had a good time.
My wonderful boy, Ryker, took Best of Show under judge Mike Norrod and took Best Brindle under judge Dave Wolf – both gentlemen have quite a few years in the breed – and it was an honor to place under them.
Lyric took first in the female treadmill class and Best Overall by beating out the male winner. She topped out at almost 14MPH in the 2 minutes she hauled fanny on the slat mill. I’m so proud of my little Tinker Toy. She’s really starting to come into her own and I would have never imagined the brain transplant she seemed to get after her emergency spay.
But, other than that, nothing much has really been going on. Training has been put on hold for a while because of other things and we’ve been living the life of a newly married couple. <3