
Foster Failure

Wolf Moon’s 3rd Times The Charm



Duo is our foster failure and is your standard issue pit bull mix.  He had a lot of baggage when he came to us from previous life experiences.  He came to us from Paws for Life Rescue right here in Michigan. We are his third (and final!) home. He is our beloved pet dog and will not likely be doing anything monstrously amazing other than being a faithful companion to my husband’s father – who seems to be utterly smitten with him.

When Duo came to us, he was afraid of his own shadow and incredibly submissive. Compound those two problems with the fact that he was severely under-socialized and dog reactive didn’t make life very easy for us and him. With a lot of work on managing his behavior around unfamiliar dogs and working to build his confidence, he’s come a long way.

It seems like only yesterday where we’d reach into his crate to coax him out and he’d urinate right then and there. He’s definitely a much happier dog and even has a few doggie friends that he gets to interact with on a fairly regular basis. We’re proud of our big ol’ moo-cow boy and how far he’s come. Who knows…maybe we’ll be able to get a working title or two on him!

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