Well, my poor blog has been horridly ignored over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, life got in the way of spending a ton of time online. I spent most of my time on the ‘Net from my phone and that doesn’t make the easiest blogging experience, unfortunately. Thankfully, the majority of what I’ve been dealing with is good for the future for us and the dogs.
We put in a transfer to Kentucky – Louisville to be exact. We don’t know if we got it, but the paperwork is in. We’ll be headed down to Louisville in the spring or just before fall if we get the chance. It’s very scary for me to do this as it means moving away from a lot that I have known for a good many years and that I’m moving away from my family. That being said, it’s a raise for both Bruce and I and a chance to secure the hopes and plans we have for the future – most of which surrounds the dogs.
We’re looking for places outside of the city since there are some incredibly strict rules in regard to having intact animals…and more specifically pit bull-type dogs. Cruddy, yes, but we’ve located a few places that we’re looking at in hopes of getting some property. If we manage to secure a decent sized piece of property, we very well may be able to expand upon our dreams and have indoor/outdoor kennels that are heated and air conditioned for the dogs so we can do boarding and training on site and maybe even have things set up for performance events. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for many, many years and this may be a chance to make it a reality.
While there are many things that make this move a negative thought for me, the positives are certainly outweighing these. We will be moving farther from our family and friends that we’ve known and cherished for many years to totally unfamiliar territory, however, this will allow us to expand into areas that we’ve wanted to do for a long time and be in a central location to visit folks in the surrounding areas and allow folks to visit us as well.
Either way, many things will likely be changing in the coming months and all I can do is hope for the best for the dogs, us and our future and trust we made the best possible choice.